Sunday, December 26, 2010

Realization - A WAKE UP CALL

a couple more days and the year is about to end...  it was a rough year and yet it was a fulfilling one as well.
a couple of weeks back, i was partying like there was no tomorrow.  going home at the crack of dawn, tipsy and exhausted ; frolicking in the starless night with different set of friends, in different places... can't say i didn't have fun, i did... a lot, but that should end especially if i would like to stay sane... :) i also want to respect this person so that we wouldn't clash and part ways... he is important to me and vice versa...

i need to be more focused on what i would do now... i want to move up in my career, make more money, have a healthier lifestyle and pamper myself, before the day. a day that i would not forget if it happens...soon. :)

thank you for giving in...for admitting that...
thank you for making me a priority and not just an option...
i love you...i'll forever do.
thank you.

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