As my tweet goes, am nearing my 27th week and pregnancy pet peeves are amazingly abundant. Needless to say, am way past the "Pagllilihi" stage so this is not something out of the "arte" of a pregnant lady. Maybe these pet peeves were already in my system and did not really took notice of them since I was selfishly thinking that it wouldn't hurt me...directly or so I thought.
Peeve number 1 - Men spitting on pavements!
YUCK! Really, how unsanitary. Do they ever think if somebody - a child, or a pregnant woman would step or slip on that?!
Peeve number 2 - Men blowing their nose in public...without a tissue or a hankie and flicking it to kingdom come!
Eeew, flying viruses that another person might get...not to mention environment pollution of some sort.
Peeve number 3 - People sneezing and coughing without any cover...especially in an enclosed space (bus, elevator, conference room, MRT, etc.)!
Your "excuse me's" are accepted, but your virus is NOT!
Peeve number 4 -Making rude actions and remarks to pregnant/disabled people riding the elevator...even if it is just one floor up or down.
Come on! If you are in a hurry due to an overbreak or for whatever reason, why don't you try taking the stairs instead? especially if you are healthy and have no disability whatsoever. Obviously, these people CAN'T...and you just WON'T!
Peeve number 5 - Throwing your trash, even the smallest piece, out the window, underneath any PUV (Public Utility Vehicles) seat or even while walking towards your destination.
Hey there! That is why trash cans are strategically placed everywhere...even inside jeepneys/buses/taxi's. If you can't find one, keep your wrappers, tissues, bottles in your bag or pocket to be thrown later...when a trash bin is visible, in plain sight!
I am on my 5th month and I have 5 peeves already, maybe one for each month. I am quite guilty of number 5 before but even before I got pregnant I was acutely aware of the embarrassment that my cousin, Leah and my co-worker, Ana, would bestow on me. They would actually stop in mid-sentence and pick up the trash I "accidentally" let flew from my hands... :)
Just thoughts to share.
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